Homepage » The Observatory » Who are we? » Membership




Become a member of the Observatory Europe-Africa 2030 and enjoy the following services:

  • Free and unlimited access to “member” pages of the website (about 50% of the information content of the site)
  • Possibility to perform economic and environmental simulations
  • Receive the “Lettre de l’Observatoire” by email every two months
  • Free insertion of your “success story” in the Observatory website.


Who can join the Observatory?

  • Individuals
  • Legal entities (enterprises, professional organisations, NGOs)
  • Public structures (support organisations, State agencies …)

How to become member of the Observatory?

1: Fill and sign the following form:



2: Send the form:

– either by E-mail, at the following adress:


or by mail at the following adress:

Observatoire Europe-Afrique 2030

9 rue Eliane

92190 – Meudon


3: Pay the member fee


Should you need additional information, please contact us through the page “Contact us” of the website.

Payment of the member fee

• By bank check, at the order of “Observatoire Europe-Afrique 2030”
• By bank transfer, on the following bank account:

Name: Association Observatoire Europe Afrique 2030

Bank: BNP Paribas Meudon

RIB: 30004 00883 00010107366 06

IBAN: FR76 3000 4008 8300 0101 0736 606



Annual fee (euros)

Individuals 40
Associations, NGO, Public agencies 50
SME’s (<50p) 80
Medium size entreprises (<500p) 120
Intermediate and large enterprises (>500p) 200