Who are we?
The “Observatoire Europe-Afrique 2030” is an association independent from any commercial or non-commercial business or organization whatsoever.
A team of experts contributes to its developments:
Christian Delavelle created the Observatory in 2016 . He was cost-control engineer and then project engineer in two Oil & Gas engineering companies. Then, manager at the consulting department of Taylor Nelson Sofres Group, he conducted strategic studies in sectors as mechanical equipment, steel making, textiles, energy, electronics, automotive, aerospace and green technologies. He worked in a dozen African countries on missions for the World Bank, the UNIDO and the European Commission. In 2003, he created AJI-Europe, company specializing in strategic consulting for “sustainable transportation”.
Lionel Taccoen is enterprise adviser on energy issues and european affairs. He was regional vice-president for equipment, in charge of the construction of Paluel and Penly nuclear power plants, and then General Delegate for european affairs at EDF. He is involved in the management of the Newsletter « Géopolitique de l’Electricité».
Jean-Claude Berthélemy is professor emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and former director of the Sorbonne School of Economics. He initiated bilateral cooperation with different countries including China, Egypt and South Africa, and created at the Sorbonne the first master’s program in economics dedicated to attracting students foreigners in France, the Pantheon Sorbonne Msc. In Economics (PSME). He is a program director at FERDI, and a corresponding member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. He was research director at the OECD Development Center and director of CEPII.
Zakiyatou Oualet Halatine has been living in France for the last ten years, after an active professional career in Mali. An expert/consultant through her own company Afriqren, she has acquired experience in cooperation and development at national and international level, in bilateral, multilateral and institutional contexts. She has in-depth knowledge of the countries of North Africa, East Africa, the Indian Ocean and West Africa. Its missions involve sectoral analyses, company diagnostics and diagnostics of craft industries https://www.afriqren.com/
She has also founded and run two innovative companies to support entrepreneurship and innovation (SERIM and INVESTRIM). She runs the association ‘Vivre Sur Terre France-Sahel’, which encourages the communities it supports to harness their collective intelligence, mobilise their own resources and respect their environment. VST-France-Sahel aims to act as a bridge between France and the Sahel. https://www.vivresurterre.org/