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Our objective is to promote the

“Directory of Green Industrialisation Leaders in Africa”


The facts

Across Africa, there is a huge amount of investment in green industries.

Typology of Green sectors:


However, almost all the equipment is imported on a turnkey basis from China, Europe, North America or Japan.

Yet hundreds of billions of euros will be invested in these sectors in Africa over the next twenty years.

To remedy this aberration, we need to break with the current ‘all-imported’ economic model.


Leading companies

A growing number of African companies are playing a pioneering role, showing the way towards sustainable industrialisation in African countries.

They are demonstrating that it is possible to manufacture on African soil while remaining competitive with imported manufactured products.

It is important to publicize and promote these Leaders.

This is the aim of the “Directory of Green Industrialisation Leaders in Africa”.


Site content

‘Leaders Directory’ section presents companies that have taken the initiative to invest in the design and manufacture of ‘green’ equipment in Africa.

Value chains’ section analyses, for each green sector, the added value of the main links in the manufacturing process.

‘Case studies’ are structured around four themes:

– Socio-economic issues

– Special economic zones

– Supply chains

– Sustainable development objectives and green industries


Moreover, the Observatory produces Case studies which can be consulted at the following link:

Chronological list of case studies produced by the Observatory  


The “Letter of green industrialization in Africa” is published every three months.